Monday 10 March 2008


Being single at the moment means I have had no encounters with infidelity (thankfully lol). But, a friend of mine at the moment has got involved with a guy who works out our local pub. They swapped numbers and were texting and then we found out he already had a girlfriend.

Instead of putting a stop to it straight away its carried on to the point where they are actually seeing each other and eventually slept with each other. Both of them are in the wrong, him for cheating on his girlfriend and her for knowing he had a girlfriend and continued it anyway. The only innocent person in this is the girlfriend who is being cheated on and the one most likely to get hurt.

Any views?


SM4eva said...

Of course anyone could see that this is an unhealthy situation. I hope it gets resolved soon. I see this ending several ways

The girlfriend finds out he’s cheating – they split up, he goes out with your friend and eventually cheats on her (do leopards change their spots?)

The girlfriend finds out he’s cheating – they split up, they get back together, but the relationship is ruined as the trust is gone, your friends feels used.

The girlfriend finds out he’s cheating – after they’ve had three kids and a 20 year marriage – which ends up in a bitter divorce and traumatised children

But I would prefer
The girlfriend finds out he’s cheating – they split up, everyone goes their own way and learns from the lessons

PS I think that men largely follow their d**cks – i.e. if they can get some on the side – they take it – so your friend is just as much to blame. Try and get her to see that she can get HER OWN man, she doesn’t have to share someone else’s.

*SaraH* said...

I totally agree with your comment. However, know matter what me and my other friends say to her, she refuses to take our advice.

Love is blind and all that.

He is the one who is getting away with it and it's so wrong. I do hope that soon it will resolve itself in the way you prefer which I would prefer also.

Infidelity is wrong on every side excpet for innocent victim here who is his girlfriend. My friend is in the wrong for carrying on a relationship with someone who is with someone else, but he is ultimately in the wrong because he is the one cheating on his girlfriend and leaving his bit on the side as second best.

Bad situation all round

Susan said...

This situation is highly unusual as your friend knows that the boy is being unfaithful and by not stopping the 'relationship' she is basically having casual sex. Now personally i don't like the idea of people having casual sex but that's an individual choice. However on a side note, this is university, and neither of them are tied down to a partner by marriage etc and therefore would not be as serious had the boy been married with children.