Friday 25 April 2008

Being too religious

The topics raised in the lecture on religion were very interested. I do agree that in todays society religion is becoming less prominent especially the turn out to church.

Often it is the case that people hide their reilgious views in fear of being judged by society and the embarrassment.

A woman who chose not to hide her religion was the story of Nadia Eweida who refused to remove her crucifix at work and was susepended without pay from British Airways.

I think religion again is down to personal belief and nobody should be judged for that. When religion affects other people the way say, suicide bombings would I do believe that this is wrong, however, on the other hand the follower of the religion themself, the suicide bomber, believes that this is the right thing to do by their God and who can has the right to say that this is wrong?

Religion is a very touchy subject for some people and I think it is hidden a lot in society as people are too afraid to say what they really think, feel and believe in fear of the consequences.

I found a good website that also looks into religious cults and in particular the views on other religions by America. There are many different links on the page and many articles to look into including an introduction to new religious movements and cults.

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