Monday 14 April 2008

Body modification

The issue of body modification is one I have personal views on yet I can accept and understand other peoples opinions.

I myself use forms of body modification in the form of make up, piercings, hairstyles and cuts and fashion. I personally find these body modifications as a part of every day life.

I believe body modification is personal choice as it is the individuals body and appearance to decide what they do with whether accepted by society or not.

However, I can understand some people disagreeing with BM for the reasons mentioned in lecture. Again it all comes down to personal belief or choice whether to do with religion, social issues and acceptance or medical issues.

Some of the BMs mentioned such as foot binding I personally find shocking but to others it is a normal way of life such as wearing make up would be to me.

Life is all about individual choice and expression whether other people see it the same way or not.

A few years back when I was in secondary school we had a PSE day (an extra learning day without the normal curricular subjects) where we were visited by a man who travels the world promoting peace and an anti-bullying scheme. He was called "The scary Guy". He walked into our theatre where we were all sitting and everyone froze. He literally matched his name and looked utterly terrifying.

He was covered head to toe in tattoos and piercings. His objective is to prove that appearance isn't everything and after a few minutes speaking to him he turned out to be one of the nicest people I have ever met. He had every student hug him and taught us all to be a little more patient and caring towards one another.

I think this is a great example of how body modification should not be judged and people who have things like tattoos and piercings to be thought of as thugs, criminals or mentally challenged. It is all down to personal taste, choice and the other reasons mentioned.

If anyone wants to reseach into the "Scary Guy" and what he does, here is a link to his website....


Kitty Von Spatula said...

I think you have made a really interesting point by highlighting the tendancy to judge people by their appearence. When I was researching for my post on body modification I came across the Scary Guy too and I was surprised when I read about what he does to promote anti-bullying and general acceptance of other people.It just shows that society has such a narrow minded view on people who look unique.
I agree with your views that body modification is a personal taste and that as long as it is concentual I have no problem with it. However, as you said the foot binding thing really freaked me out, I think more because people are often expected or even forced into it...this is the part of body modification that I don't agree with. Overall, your post raised points that I hadn't considered so I found it really interesting to read!

*SaraH* said...

Thanks for your comment. I agree with what you say about body modification being to personal choice as long as it is concentual also. It was an interesting subject to look into and raised many issues worth thinking about, especially the way society acts nowadays.