Thursday 1 May 2008

Lying with integrity

If theres one thing I hate more than anything it is a liar. Yet I am a liar myself. However, there is a difference between a white lie and a great big fat lie.

If I am asked whether I have been to university today and I reply "no the lecture was cancelled" when really I stayed in bed and watched Jeremy Kyle, that makes me a liar.

However, that is about as far as I will go. I refuse to make up something that is plainly untruthful.

I once had a friend who went so far as to make up that she had a boyfriend who didnt exist and even that she was raped. It's safe to say she was a bit mental and we are know longer friends. A lie like this could get someone into serious trouble.

I think everyone lies at some time but it is the seriousness of the lie that is the issue.

If a mother tells a child the story of santa claus is this a lie or adding magic to childhood??

A good example of lies is the Jim Carrey film Liar Liar. It emphasises the importance and positive factors of telling the truth and how important it can be to some people. Overall a good film, if you haven't seen it, you should!

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