Thursday 8 May 2008

Final questionnaire

Age? - 18

Sex? - Female

What is your degree subject (both if joint)? – Film Studies

Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking?
Being bad has helped highlight a lot of issues featured in films and also the lecture on bad cinema was very interesting and informative on why bad cinema is used and why people find it so shocking.

If so, how? And if not, why not?
Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level?
I found being bad lectures and assignments at an appropriate level. Assignments were challenging and made you think about the issues raised which is the intent of them. Lectures were a good introduction to subjects such as infidelity and drugs which didn’t throw you in at the deep end but weren’t too easy leaving you bored.
Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate?
I definitely think the list of topics covered was appropriate as many of them were subjects spoken about and present in society today and that we see so many examples of every day.

Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included?
I think the topics included were the most relevant, I cannot think of a topic that would be more relevant or useful than the ones already used.

Do you think that the format for classes has worked well?

What did you think of the module team?
It has been nice to work on a module with so many different lecturers. It adds more interest to the lectures experiencing a new persons teaching methods and all of the module team provided informative and interesting classes.

Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions?
I don’t think small group discussions in class would have been much use as everyone would just speak to their friends which could be done after the lecture therefore making it a waste of lecture time.
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole?
Discussion and debate amongst the class as a whole was present in lectures and was useful as you could hear the views and opinions of people you would not usually be speaking to in the lecture.
Information and talk from lecturers?
I found the information and talk from lectures relevant and helpful and do not think more would be needed.

The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module?
I think it is definitely useful as the topics covered are relevant to all the courses mentioned yet gives the students not on the other modules a chance to learn something new that they would not usually experience on their own course.
Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea?
I think so as it gives a wide range of subjects to learn making it more interesting rather than focusing on one subject which can grow tiresome to learn and research for too long.

Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module?
Yes, it has given me a chance to learn about subjects related to film but not totally based on the subject offering a more light hearted module to support the other ones I am taking.

Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter?
Yes as I think so many of the subjects covered are present in society making them relevant to learning.
Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2?
Yes I have registered for this module.
Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend?
Definately, I was recommended to take it by a former student myself.
Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea?
Yes as it gives you the opportunity to express views and opinions that you may not have had time to express during the lecture and is also a good research opportunity by viewing what other people have found on the subject and their views on it also.
What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)?
I do find myself restricted when writing a very short assignment however this was challenging and I enjoyed getting to write a creative writing piece rather than academic and research essays.
What have you learned from the module?
I feel I have become more accepting of society and the reason behind why people do ‘bad things’. Also that bad behaviour is only bad by the person who views it that way. Bad behaviour to one person might be normal everday behaviour to another. It has been an interesting learning experience.

What parts of the module have you found most useful and why?
I found bad cinema useful as I am a film studies student, the infidelity lecture was also very interesting as there was a lot of class discussion and infidelity is a common feature in a lot of the films I have looked at in other lectures.
What parts do you think were a waste of time and why?
I think the bandits and outlaws lecture was not as relevant as I thought it was going to be. It still had its informative and useful information but I found the other lectures more interesting and relevant to my course.

Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’?
I have enjoyed the module and am looking forward to taking it further next year with ‘It shouldn’t be allowed’.

Response to Matthew Wards infidelity blog

I think infidelity is something that happens all over the world whether lower, middle or upper class.

Nowadays the divorce rate in the UK is higher than ever and I believe a lot of this is down to infidelity and the obvious of young people rushing into marriage.

I think people cheat for many reasons, none of which are excuseable.

Do you agree with the saying once a cheat always a cheat? Thoughts on this would be interesting.

Response to Susan Heeleys drugs blog.

I find what you said about your work experience in a pharmacy very interesting. I do agree with your opposing views on handing out needles which would help an addict to take drugs however it does prevent the spread of HIV. I think drugs are something that will alwyas be present in society know matter how many bad stories are published in the press such as the stories related to Amy Winehouse that you have mentioned. Only yesterday she was arrested again for the possession of drugs even though she had her stint in rehab (by the way how ironic is her song). It is too easy nowadays to get hold of drugs. As long as they are around, there will always be addicts. Although I suppose it is some comfort to see that some people are doing it in a safe way by collecting clean needles and methodone as you mentioned from the pharmacy you worked at. It's better than nothing I suppose.

Response to Frances Reddall's smoking blog

After watching the film Gilda also at university I do agree with your point that smoking looks glamourous and sexy within the film. To someone easily influenced this could be enough to begin smoking. I also agree with your points about the times changing now and how more is known about the danger of cigarettes and more is done to promote the health warnings. However, rather than it being media influencing people to start smoking I believe in todays society it is peer pressure that is the main cause of someone taking up smoking, especially in the younger generation. This trend could ultimately stem from the promotion of films such as Gilda but I guess we'll never know fully why some people take up the decision to smoke.

Wednesday 7 May 2008

Response to Matthew Guys smoking blog

I agree that the smoking ban benefits me also, being a non smoker I have a more pleasurable time when out not having to suffer other peoples smoke and smoke tainted clothes when I get home.

I also do agree with how hard it must be for a smoker to have to go outside or find somewhere else that they can smoke but if they find it that much of a task then they should just stop smoking. End of.

Thursday 1 May 2008

Lying with integrity

If theres one thing I hate more than anything it is a liar. Yet I am a liar myself. However, there is a difference between a white lie and a great big fat lie.

If I am asked whether I have been to university today and I reply "no the lecture was cancelled" when really I stayed in bed and watched Jeremy Kyle, that makes me a liar.

However, that is about as far as I will go. I refuse to make up something that is plainly untruthful.

I once had a friend who went so far as to make up that she had a boyfriend who didnt exist and even that she was raped. It's safe to say she was a bit mental and we are know longer friends. A lie like this could get someone into serious trouble.

I think everyone lies at some time but it is the seriousness of the lie that is the issue.

If a mother tells a child the story of santa claus is this a lie or adding magic to childhood??

A good example of lies is the Jim Carrey film Liar Liar. It emphasises the importance and positive factors of telling the truth and how important it can be to some people. Overall a good film, if you haven't seen it, you should!

Monday 28 April 2008


The issue of drugs is one I take seriously. I have had a lot of experience with drugs as a member of my family used to be involved with people who did and dealt drugs and started taking them himself.

The whole experience was enough to put me off drugs for life as I saw first hand what they did. He became paranoid, distant and was constantly getting into trouble.

I understand people want to take drugs for the buzz or to have fun or to even block things out but in the long term it never helps.

Illegal drugs I definately don't agree with and I think there should be bigger punishments and crack downs (no pun intended)

However, research has proven that the biggest killers and danger to health are alcohol and cigarettes. Binge drinking is a big killer in the UK but is legal over the age of 18 so is there anyway to resolve it?

More is being done now to highlight the dangers of smoking and alchohol with advertisements and warning labels on packaging so it is the individuals choice as to whether they drink or smoke.
Unfortunately illegal drugs do not come with a warning label or packaging but again more is done nowadays to highlight the effects or drugs such as adverts and companies like "talk to frank".

Drugs are a risky issue for some people and everyone has different views on them whether they take them, agree with them or disagree,

Anyone got any views they'd like to share?

Friday 25 April 2008

Being too religious

The topics raised in the lecture on religion were very interested. I do agree that in todays society religion is becoming less prominent especially the turn out to church.

Often it is the case that people hide their reilgious views in fear of being judged by society and the embarrassment.

A woman who chose not to hide her religion was the story of Nadia Eweida who refused to remove her crucifix at work and was susepended without pay from British Airways.

I think religion again is down to personal belief and nobody should be judged for that. When religion affects other people the way say, suicide bombings would I do believe that this is wrong, however, on the other hand the follower of the religion themself, the suicide bomber, believes that this is the right thing to do by their God and who can has the right to say that this is wrong?

Religion is a very touchy subject for some people and I think it is hidden a lot in society as people are too afraid to say what they really think, feel and believe in fear of the consequences.

I found a good website that also looks into religious cults and in particular the views on other religions by America. There are many different links on the page and many articles to look into including an introduction to new religious movements and cults.

Monday 14 April 2008

Body modification

The issue of body modification is one I have personal views on yet I can accept and understand other peoples opinions.

I myself use forms of body modification in the form of make up, piercings, hairstyles and cuts and fashion. I personally find these body modifications as a part of every day life.

I believe body modification is personal choice as it is the individuals body and appearance to decide what they do with whether accepted by society or not.

However, I can understand some people disagreeing with BM for the reasons mentioned in lecture. Again it all comes down to personal belief or choice whether to do with religion, social issues and acceptance or medical issues.

Some of the BMs mentioned such as foot binding I personally find shocking but to others it is a normal way of life such as wearing make up would be to me.

Life is all about individual choice and expression whether other people see it the same way or not.

A few years back when I was in secondary school we had a PSE day (an extra learning day without the normal curricular subjects) where we were visited by a man who travels the world promoting peace and an anti-bullying scheme. He was called "The scary Guy". He walked into our theatre where we were all sitting and everyone froze. He literally matched his name and looked utterly terrifying.

He was covered head to toe in tattoos and piercings. His objective is to prove that appearance isn't everything and after a few minutes speaking to him he turned out to be one of the nicest people I have ever met. He had every student hug him and taught us all to be a little more patient and caring towards one another.

I think this is a great example of how body modification should not be judged and people who have things like tattoos and piercings to be thought of as thugs, criminals or mentally challenged. It is all down to personal taste, choice and the other reasons mentioned.

If anyone wants to reseach into the "Scary Guy" and what he does, here is a link to his website....

Doing bad things.

It’s a natural human trait to at least once in your lifetime to do something which is considered bad, whether by one person or many. Whether purposefully done or accidentally I don’t think there is one person who has never done something bad in their life. It could be something minor such as upsetting someone or a major event such as drugs, infidelity or even murder. Different people have different views on what is considered bad. Some may consider drugs as a part of their everyday lifestyle whereas others may seem them as immoral, dangerous and stupid.
Some people follow their religion and do things which they believe are right and good that people in a different religion will see as shocking or bad.
Who is to say what is right and wrong?
Any thoughts or examples?

Saturday 29 March 2008


The lecture on masterbation surprised me as we learnt about masterbation in a way I did not first expect. The history was interesting to discover and also peoples views on the usually 'taboo' subject, whether it viewed as natural or a sin. There are many sites on the internet about masterbation and a lot of sites with discussion groups and question answering sessions.

After research I found a good website that relates well to what was spoken about in the masterbation lecture. It discusses the history of masterbation in the ancient world, through to the 18th and 19th century and finally to the 20th century.

I thought it would be worth a look to support what was spoken about in lecture.

Any thoughts or views on the lecture to share?

Friday 28 March 2008

Bad cinema film suggestion.

Another film well worth watching for Bad cinema is the British film Kidulthood (2006). It is like the british version of Kids and raises issues with drugs, smoking, underage sex, violence and gang warfare.

It involves underage sex and pregnancy and drug taking and a very powerful knife scene. The end of the film, much like Kids, ends in despair with the death of one of the main characters showing the gritty realism of society today making it a very shocking film.

Brilliant and powerful film, recommended for all.

Friday 14 March 2008

Response to Thomas Bell's field trip idea

I think the watching banned films idea is good, especially for us film students. I think we could find at least one film that features one or more topics of the being bad lectures!

Wednesday 12 March 2008


Smoking is a choice each individual is perfectly capable of making. It is legal once over the age of 16 therefore nobody should be judged for it as it is personal choice. As long as nobody else is suffering from another smokers habit, which thanks to new government laws is now restricted, it is the individuals choice to inhale smoke into their own body.

If a person aged 16 or over chooses to smoke then it is their right, however, underage people should not be encouraged by friends or otherwise to smoke. It is an unhealthy habit and causes many health problems. To start out of purely wanting to look cool is wrong.

Surveys show that the number of underage smokers is increasing and I believe that most smokers start their habit whilst at school through peer pressure and trying it with their friends and then becoming addicted. A news article about what is being done to tackle underage smoking in schools. Help for those who need it.

Monday 10 March 2008


Being single at the moment means I have had no encounters with infidelity (thankfully lol). But, a friend of mine at the moment has got involved with a guy who works out our local pub. They swapped numbers and were texting and then we found out he already had a girlfriend.

Instead of putting a stop to it straight away its carried on to the point where they are actually seeing each other and eventually slept with each other. Both of them are in the wrong, him for cheating on his girlfriend and her for knowing he had a girlfriend and continued it anyway. The only innocent person in this is the girlfriend who is being cheated on and the one most likely to get hurt.

Any views?

Saturday 8 March 2008

Infidelity - film suggestion

I watched a film called The Last Kiss, starring Zach Braff based on infidelity. It shows the temptations of cheating and just how easy it is for things to develop and also the damage it can cause. It's a really good film to cover what was spoken about in the lecture.

Anybody seen it or have any thoughts?

Friday 7 March 2008

Response to 'Kids' Film

I thought the film was interesting due to the issues they were trying to raise. The fact that alot of people were outraged by the film shows that the impact was positive. By being so shocking the messages conveyed are clearly going to be thought about, during and after the film.

In my opinion, some of the things that happened in the film were pretty awful but the fact that I have that opinion clearly shows the film has worked by putting its message across.

I think it was made purely to be shocking and deter people from behaving in the same way as the "kids" in the film. This is a link to imdb which has information about the film and the actors starring and also discussion boards where you can view other peoples opinions and views about the film.

Any other opinions?